More than 2500 new images transferred from ENOAC to SAMUEL (Copibec)

April 15, 2016 - Since launching its public interface at the end of October 2015, participating artists have steadily contributed to enriching the Entrepôt numérique d’oeuvres artistiques contemporaines (the Digital Warehouse of Contemporary Artistic Works) better known under the name of ENOAC.

A digital bank of contemporary Quebec artistic works, the ENOAC is a joint project of four artists’ associations: Conseil des métiers d’art du Québec, Association des professionnels des arts de la scène du Québec, Illustration Québec et Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec. 1

Did you know that recently about 2,500 new images have been transferred from ENOAC to SAMUEL, the digital platform developed by COPIBEC, in order to enrich its artistic content intended for the educational system? SAMUEL offers teachers and students a varied catalog of books, periodicals, press photos, art works, lyrics and more!

As a publisher, ENOAC enriches this database that is especially convenient for teachers of arts and drama in developing the appreciation of artistic production.

As a reminder :

  • « SAMUEL brings together a variety of resources for teachers and education professionals at the preschool, elementary, high school and college levels in Quebec. The contents of SAMUEL can be reproduced and distributed in accordance with the provisions of the agreements between Copibec and the educational institutions. With SAMUEL, you therefore have completely legal access to quality resources. New content is being added every week!
  • Based on the data gathered from SAMUEL, Copibec pays royalties to the authors and publishers of the works used. »

For its part, the ENOAC is an image bank that provides SAMUEL with most of its visual content. From the outset of the project, it was announced that some content would be transfered to SAMUEL and that copyright royalties will eventually be paid to artists participating in ENOAC.

Why two digital platforms: ENOAC and SAMUEL?

While SAMUEL addresses the academic community exclusively, ENOAC addresses the general public to raise its awareness and appreciation of contemporary art. This is the main difference between the two platforms.

ENOAC’s intended audiences are diverse - art lovers, enthusiasts and collectors, researchers and institutions such as libraries, colleges and universities. It presents a significant corpus of Quebec contemporary works in the general field of "plastic arts" as well as documentation on the professional artists who create them.

ENOAC also offers Quebec artists a platform for self-promotion, cataloging and archiving their works.

Participation in ENOAC is free for members of partner associations.

The other difference is that the content of ENOAC includes not only digital reproductions of the works but also all documents relating to the creation of these works by the artists in addition to information on the personal approach of each artist. In total, ENOAC offers content focused on artistic production in visual arts in the broad sense and includes original works in crafts, scenic design and illustration.

Exemplary cooperation between ENOAC and SAMUEL

This collaboration between ENOAC and SAMUEL is a prime example of what we can do to legally make available to a wide audience many artistic, literary or musical works while generating income for artists. Thus the creators of all disciplines can expect to participate in the digital economy and benefit from it. SAMUEL and ENOAC are allies in improving the socioeconomic conditions of creators.

Enrich the bank ... more and more!

Access to a sample of ENOAC’s content (up to 10 works per artist) is free and will further popularize its mission and make itself known to the intended ‘customer’ base: artists, art lovers and collectors, art students and professors, curators, gallerists, researchers and, of course, the general public.

Currently we want to encourage more artists to register with ENOAC and deposit visual content and documentary. By the end of the year we should double or even triple the current offer and we can do it.

Indeed, the more works and documents ENOAC accumulates , the more it will become an indispensable tool for those who want access to the best in contemporary creation in the visual arts, stage design, crafts, and illustration in Quebec.


For more information and to learn how to participate in the ENOAC you can visit the ENOAC site :

You can also contact the following people to register:

CMAQ – Hélène Cloutier 514-861-2787
APASQ – Éric-Abel Baland 514-523-4221
IQ – Danielle Bergevin 514-522-2040
RAAV – Christian Bédard 514-866-7101

The Council of Quebec Crafts of Quebec(CMAQ), the Association of Stage Designers of Quebec (APASQ), Illustration Quebec (IQ) and the Coalition of Visual Artists of Quebec (RAAV)